
Hem Raj Kafle, Administrator

Dear All,

“The function of education, therefore, is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically … Intelligence plus character – that is the true goal of education.” 

-Martin Luther King, Jr. 

As we work to educate our students at Eyelens School today, I am mindful of the fact that the above words still ring true. We need people who are intelligent and thoughtful – willing to weigh and consider the matters of their lives and the matters of our times and to do what is right – to make a positive difference in Nepal and eventually in the world. This thinking – and eventually the doing – needs to be anchored by character. Intelligence and thinking without character is a recipe for negative outcomes.

The outcome of education should be learning. The acquisition of knowledge, skills, and the ability to think is important for all of us because we live in a complex and ever-changing world. The knowledge, skills, and thinking capabilities we acquire through our learning experiences help us to make better sense of the world around us and help to empower us to make better decisions that will help us move forward as people and as a society. Therefore, realising this reality, at Eyelens efforts are put at the optimum to produce able and skilled manpower for our society.

As I consider my role as an educator, I have a keen awareness of the importance of learning, and that learning must be anchored to character and anchored to a view of someday doing and leading – making a positive difference in the world. Character education is important, and I wanted to give you some of the background about this slogan you will be hearing in the coming weeks and months.

I believe in life-long learning. It is necessary for us to always be learning and growing, and with regard to these three concepts – loving, learning, and leading – I am reflecting on how I can get better at all of them. I can’t think of a single place where I go that would not benefit from my continued development in these areas and bringing them to bear. My hope is that our young people will take this message to heart and will work to grow in these capacities, as well, because I can’t think of any place they would go – or where any of us would go – that wouldn’t benefit from all of them, and all of us, being better and stronger in the areas of loving, learning, and leading.

With Kind Regards to everyone,

Hem Raj Kafle


Eyelens English High School

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